Register now!
Registration information will be posted soon. For Government Rates or more information, please contact Michelle Valero.
- Oral presentations are scheduled for 12 minutes plus three minutes for questions.
- Instructions for uploading slides are at the bottom of the page.
- Please upload a copy of your presentation at least 24 hours prior to your talk.
Download List of Accepted Posters PDF.
- Poster presentations are in the San Jose and San Juan rooms (first doors on the left in the hallway leading to the conference meeting room).
- Posters are to be no larger than 46" x 46". Boards and pins will be provided.
- Poster presentations are either for Tuesday and Wednesday AM or Wednesday PM and Thursday.
- If you would like to have your poster made available online following the meeting, please upload per the instruction below.
Please upload your oral presentation at the following link 24 hrs prior to your presentation.
- Name slide deck as Lastname_Firstname in either PDF of PPTX format.
- Upload in the Eclipse-24-Oral folder.
If you would like to upload a poster, please use the Eclipse-24-Posters folder and the same login info.
- Name poster Lastname_Firstname_Poster# in PDF or PPTX format.
- Poster numbers available in List of Accepted Posters PDF.
- Upload in the Eclipse-24-Posters folder.
Required Login information:
- Username: Eclipse24-Presentations
- Password: YifiA1Qyg
Registration information will be posted soon. For Government Rates or more information, please contact Michelle Valero.